BAM… and Then It Hit Me 
A Memoir by Karen Brooks Hopkins (Nov, 2021)
Current News: Karen Brooks Hopkins went on a 35-stop worldwide book tour for BAM. HERE is a letter from Hopkins herself outlining the publication of her book and the tour. The map at the bottom of this newsletter notes all of Hopkins' stops!
Black Is Beautiful: JET Beauties of the Week
The Photography of LaMonte McLemore with Chris Murray
Essays by Sylvia Flanagan, Jayne Kennedy, and Mickalene Thomas (Feb, 2024)
Current News: Artist Mickalene Thomas, who contributed text to Black Is Beautiful, was recently featured in the New York Times for her traveling exhibition that’s currently at the Broad in LA!
Paris in Winter
David Coggins (Nov, 2015)
Recent News: Coggins has recently exhibited at Tori Jones Studio (2022) and Isles Studio (2023). His Minneapolis studio and artwork were featured in Cabana Magazine in February, 2024. Find out more about Coggins’ books, artist, and design HERE. A second edition of Paris in Winter, which was originally published in 2015 and sold out of all three printings, is coming out this winter.
 Lovemarks: the future beyond brands
By Kevin Roberts and A. G. Lafley (Dec, 2005)
Upcoming News: As we near the twenty-year anniversary of this iconic title, powerHouse Books is currently working on a 2,100 copy reprint. The authors are also working on either publishing a Web3 version of the book through book.io or doing a limited edition. Stay tuned!
COOL: Women Leaders Reversing Global Warming
By Paola Gianturco and Avery Sangster (Sept, 2022)
Upcoming News: Gianturco and Sangster are hosting a 300 person lecture on the women in COOL this September at the Tenaya Hotel in Yosemite National Park. Book signing to follow. Stay tuned!
 Brooklyn Spirits: Craft Distilling and Cocktails from the World’s Hippest Borough
Peter Thomas Fornatale + Chris Wertz (Jan, 2016)
Upcoming Event: Celebrate the 10 Year Anniversary of Brooklyn Spirits at Fort Hamilton in Industry City! Fornatale will be hosting a reading, conversation, and signing at this iconic distillery to celebrate his book this June. Event confirmation still TBD. Details soon.
 Taxi: Journey Through My Windows 1977-1987
Photography by Joseph Rodriguez + Essay by Richard Price (Dec, 2020)
Upcoming News: This June, Rodriguez will be exhibiting at Photoville and at local NYC schools for his project MIGRANTES, which includes 10 years of work taken between 1995-2006. Stay on the lookout for more details coming soon. Rodriguez was also recently featured in The New York Times.
Bodies of Subversion: A Secret History of Women and Tattoo
Photography by Margot Mifflin (Jan, 2013)
Recent News: Mifflin and her book were recently featured in an article in The Guardian about women and tattoos!
The Earth Will Come To Laugh And Feast
Roger Ballen and Gabriele Tinti + Introduction by Louise Salter (Dec, 2022)
Current Exhibition: Joint exhibition The Uncanny Lens presents 60 photographic works by Roger Ballen and Joel-Peter Witkin. The first exhibition was held in Trentino, Italy from March 16 to April 13, 2024. Find more details HERE.
 Suburban Knights: A Return to the Middle Ages
Photography by E.F. Kitchen + Introduction by Leo Braudy (July, 2010)
Upcoming Exhibition: E.F. Kitchen will be part of the group show On the Edge: Los Angeles Art from the Joan and Jack Quinn Family Collection from March 24 until September 2 at the Laguna Art Museum. Find details HERE.
 On the Bowery
Photography by Edward Grazda (Sept, 2019)
Upcoming News: Edward Grazda founded the Providence Photo Book Fair and attended the upcoming event this April. The fair took place Saturday, April 20 and Sunday, April 21.
 Deadly Intent: Crime & Punishment Photographs from the Burns Archive
By Dr. Stanley B. Burns and Sara Clearly-Burns (Oct, 2008)
Current News: Burns is currently exhibiting artwork at The CEPA Gallery. His artwork series Without Guilt Without Shame, based on my collection of original German Holocaust photographs, is showcased in an exhibition The Power of Resilience and Hope-Photography and the Holocaust Then and Now. At The American Museum of Folk Art, he’s exhibiting 55 of his nineteenth century African American photographs. This exhibit will then travel to the Deerfield Historical Society in May.
 NYC Go-Go
Photography by Slava Mogutin (May, 2008)
Recent News: Mogutin and his work (he most recently published Analog Human Studies,) has been covered by publications such as DAZED, Office, and Document Journal in the past few months. Mogutin recently exhibited in Mexico City and has upcoming shows in LA, Detroit, and Berlin. Learn about his other books HERE.
Do Not Give Way to Evil: Photographs of the South Bronx, 1979-1987
Lisa Kahane (July, 2008)
Recent News: Kahane recently received a BRIO award by the Bronx Council on the Arts for her work in public housing. Her work with Jenny Holzer from the 80s was displayed in the streets and in established museums throughout Europe throughout 2023. Kahane will be exhibiting at Rencontres d'Arles in July. She’s currently working on a new addition of her book.
The Forty-Deuce
The Times Square Photographs of Bill Butterworth, 1983–1984
Edited by Hilton Ariel Ruiz and Beatriz Ruiz + Introduction by Carlo McCormick (June, 2012)
Upcoming News: Hilton Ariel Ruiz is currently gearing up to produce a documentary inspired by The Forty-Deuce, hoping to shine a spotlight on the individuals depicted in the photos and delve into their experiences working on the project. The documentary will explore the rich history of The Forty-Deuce, encompassing its influence on fashion, its role as a hub for grindhouse movie theaters, and the diverse array of individuals who frequented the area, including sex workers, customers, and employees. Furthermore, it’ll recount their stories during that period and trace their journeys since then.
Larry Fink
We were devastated to hear about the passing of our close friend Larry Fink. The photographer and educator passed peacefully in his home in Pennsylvania on November 25th, 2023. powerHouse Books will miss him dearly. Daniel Power wrote an In Memoriam which can be read HERE. In Oct, 2024, powerHouse Books is publishing a final book with Larry Fink titled Larry Fink: Hands On / A Passionate Life of Looking
Richard Lewis

On Wednesday, February 28, powerHouse Books author Richard Lewis passed away in his home in Los Angeles. We were incredibly sad to hear about his passing. Chris Murray, who wrote the preface for his 2015 book Reflections from Hell: Richard Lewis’ Guide On How Not To Live shared some words. Read them HERE.
Steve Schapiro
powerHouse Books was heartbroken to hear about Steve Schapiro’s passing in January, 2022. At the time of his death, Schapiro had two photography books prepared which were both published in 2022: Andy Warhol and Friends 1965–1966 (Taschen) and seventy thirty (Damiani) pairing 70 of his photographs alongside 30 of his son Theophilus's. He also had books on photojournalism, New York City, Riverside Records, and celebrities prepared for future publication. With the help of David Fahey, Schapiro had additionally been working on a retrospective project which combined all of his iconic images. Steve, you will be missed!