powerHouse Books is pleased to announce the September 2018 release of
At Their Home:
By John Mack

As legend has it, several Greek galleys arriving from Phocaea (Asia Minor) in search of trade opportunities made landfall in 600BC upon the shores of Lacydon Creek. That very day, the king of the native tribe inhabiting the area was to marry off his daughter, Gyptis, to a native suitor. It just so happens that Gyptis, upon their encounter, falls for Protis, leader of the Greek expedition, and their marriage marks the founding of Massilia, present-day Marseille.
Some 2,600 years later photographer John Mack takes to the streets of Lacydon Creek,—now famously known as Marseille's Vieux Port—a vibrant, rugged, port whose evolution over the course of time has stayed true to its founding legend of foreign immigrants posed with the task of confronting native identities. Though a latent, explosive energy runs through these streets, the famous "Marseillais" identity provides a fragile yet strong, common ground which simultaneously both fortifies and merges one identity and another: distant friends; close enemies.
Before being European, or French for that matter, Marseille is first Marseillais, and any visitor is indeed in "their house." Comprised of 100 black-and-white street photographs taken between 2011 and 2016, Mack's imagery challenges us to reflect upon our own identities and any inherent impediments they may pose in the merging with our native selves. "Who," asks Mack, "are YOU, chez eux?"

John Mack, born 1976, is an American photographer most noted for his work Revealing Mexico (powerHouse Books, 2010) which served as Mexico's celebratory book commemorating both the Centennial of the Revolution and the Bicentennial of Independence. After graduating from Duke University, Mack served as production assistant in Antarctica on the IMAX film The Endurance: Shackleton's Legendary Antarctic Expedition, and began shooting photography shortly thereafter. In 2002 he moved to Mexico to work, leading to his 2005 collaboration with author Susanne Steines in the publication of Xibalbá: Lost Dreams of the Mexican Rainforest, the contents of which were showcased on Mexico City's Rejas de Chapultepec (2008). At Their Home marks Mack's fourth publication. He is currently represented in NY by Robert Mann Gallery.
A partial preview is available by clicking here: At Their Home
Street Photography / Marseille / City Portraiture
Hardcover, 11-1/4 x 10-1/5 inches, 132 pages
ISBN: 978-1-57687-892-7, $50.00 US/CAN
High-res scans to your specification are available upon request; scanning from the book or lifting images from the mechanical file are strictly prohibited. Mandatory credit line: From At Their Home by John Mack, published by powerHouse Books.
For more information, please contact:
Madison Morales
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